How is cardio beneficial for belly fat loss?

Running, cycling, and swimming are examples of cardio workouts that burn calories and provide a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss.

1. Caloric Burn

Your body starts to use stored fat stores, especially those around your abdomen, as long as you regularly expend more calories than you take in.

1. Caloric Burn

Even while you're at rest, cardio can enhance your metabolism and burn more calories. Interval training,

2. Metabolism Boost

which involves high-intensity exercise, is very useful for increasing your metabolic rate.

2. Metabolism Boost

The fat that is accumulated around your internal organs, or visceral fat, is linked to a number of health problems, including as diabetes

3. Reduction of Visceral Fat

and cardiovascular disorders. Cardiovascular exercise contributes to a better overall body composition by lowering visceral fat.

3. Reduction of Visceral Fat

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